Welcome to the II SESMET Conference
Seville at the CEU Fernando III University, from June 3rd Monday to June 5th Wednesday, 2024
Poster Submission Deadline
15th May
Deadline Early Registration
22nd April
Online Registration Deadline
28th May
*After the deadline, registrations will be processed on-site, subject to availability.

2nd International Conference of the Spanish Metabolomics Society
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure to inform you that the 2nd International Conference of the Spanish Metabolomics Society, (SESMet 2024), will be held in Seville (CEU Fernando III University) from June 3rd Monday to June 5th Wednesday.
This year marks a special milestone for us as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of CEMBIO (Centre of Metabolomics and Bioanalysis) at Universidad San Pablo CEU. To commemorate this occasion, CEMBIO is proudly organizing SESMet 2024 at our newly inaugurated fourth CEU University, the Fernando III in Seville.
2nd International Conference of the Spanish Metabolomics Society
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, it is my pleasure to inform you that the 2nd International Conference of the Spanish Metabolomics Society, (SESMet 2024), will be held in Seville (CEU Fernando III University) from June 3rd Monday to June 5th Wednesday.
This year marks a special milestone for us as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of CEMBIO (Centre of Metabolomics and Bioanalysis) at CEU San Pablo University. To commemorate this occasion, CEMBIO is proudly organizing SESMet 2024 at our newly inaugurated fourth CEU university, the Fernando III in Seville.

Technical Secretariat
Tel. 960 91 45 45
Valencia (Spain)