Conference Program
Young researchers meeting (master and PhD students, or 5 years after obtaining the PhD), in the session we will cover the following topics:
-Introduction of the young research group from SESMet
-Networking among participants
Participants who are members of SESMet will have a lunch box.
Coral Barbas is currently Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry and Director of the “Centre for Metabolomics and Bioanalysis” (CEMBIO). She is also the Director for CEU International School of Doctorate (CEINDO) and Coordinator of CEU Universities.
She is the author of around 400 papers, with current research interests in all the steps of multiplatform metabolomics (GC-MS, LC-MS and CE-MS) in all kind of biological samples.
Her awards include: Tswett - Nernst European Award of the European Society for Separation Sciences (EuSSS) (2022); the award of the Belgian Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences (BSPS 2018); Angel Herrera Research and Teaching Awards and the medal of Bialystok Medical University. She has received a Honoris causa doctorate in Bialystok Medical University.
She is in the “world’s top 2% scientists list” of Stanford University. She has been visiting Professor at Imperial College London; member of different boards of international Committees and Editor for Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis till 2021.
Plenary Lecture - Evolving metabolomics research: the power of analytical thinking vs. Automated protocols
Intervenes in
Fabien Jourdan holds a PhD in computer science from the University of Montpellier. He is INRAE research director (DR) in the research laboratory TOXALIM, Toulouse (France). He is co-leading a team of 25 scientists (Team MeX “Metabolism and Xenobiotics”) working on the metabolic impact of food contaminants on Human health. His main expertise is the development of computational solutions to model metabolism at the cellular or tissue level. Since 2009, he has coordinated the development of the MetExplore web server which is used by more than 1000 users worldwide to study omics data in the context of metabolic networks. Since 2021, he is director of French national infrastructure for Metabolomics and Fluxomics MetaboHUB. Former president of French-Speaking Metabolomics and Fluxomics Network (RFMF) he is currently international Metabolomics Society secretary.